When my son was in the 11th grade, he decided he to pursue an art major in media. He was fortunate enough to discover PEG, where he enrolled to prepare his portfolio for college application. After several months of professional tutoring by PEG instructors, I noticed my son becoming more confident in his direction and development. He told me that PEG instructors would effectively guide him to plan the tasks and goals together, and that each piece of work was carried out one after another while maintaining a reasonable schedule. As a result, he successfully completed the university application before the deadline. Though the school was closed early 2020 due to the pandemic, Tommy has already received admission offers from four universities: Ryerson, OCAD, Ottawa, and McMaster. After consultation, we respected our son's choice to enrol in his first choice: the Integrated Media program in OCAD University. We are so happy and proud of our son for entering the university of his dreams. We are so thankful for PEG’s guidance and help. We are confident that PEG’s education model will flourish and be able to help more students like Tommy.